
Real world hands-on experience

Learn about the different sub-specialties of orthopedics: Pediatrics, hand, foot & ankle, sports, shoulder & elbow, adult reconstruction, trauma, oncology/tumor, and spine.

Join our growing team of doers.
“I’m lovin’ the Workshop!”
Half-Day Workshops

Lead by Dr. Christen Russo and orthopedic surgeons from Columbia University

The event curriculum is as follows: 
Introduction to Orthopedics
Short presentation on the path to orthopedics
Hands-on procedures
– Suturing & Casting
– Intramedullary Nailing
– External Fixation
Q&A Sessions with Orthopods
Discussion of Alumni mentoring and opportunities to stay involved with Distance Traveled 
Sign Up For A Workshop

Distance Traveled is launching its hands-on workshops with New York City Schools.


If you are a URM student in the New York area, talk to your science teacher or school administrator about Distance Traveled and encourage them to contact Distance Traveled about a workshop at your high school.


Distance Traveled is currently partnering with New York City High Schools to offer a Distance Traveled half-day program. If you are in New York City and interested in hosting a Distance Traveled event at your high school, please submit the request form below.


Donations, sponsorships, and grants fund Distance Traveled workshops. The cost of hosting one workshop is $2500. Your donation will bring our program to under-represented minorities in New York City and beyond. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation, or contact us to become a sponsor.
Distance Traveled Impact

Fulfilling our Mission: Current statistics and highlights

Youth Reached Through Five Workshops

Distance Traveled Student Spotlight 

My favorite part of the Distance Traveled program was drilling and fixing up the bones and making them whole again. I also liked the table where we put a nail in the bone which was almost like a transplant and it was used to make something in the bone bigger.

The program taught me to stay on top of my classes because if I want to be an orthopedic surgeon, I will need 13 years of studying, and if my grades and work ethic aren't excellent, the 13 years of studying will be very hard to complete.
Aminata C.
Grade 10
Even though I never planned on joining the medical field, the way that these expert doctors spoke inspired me as a black person to take more advantage of the opportunities that I have to succeed in life.

My favorite part of Distance Traveled was the banana where I had to sew it up. It was very entertaining because I was very focused, and I had to make sure to do it accurately.
Lady B.
Grade 11
The most interesting part of the Distance Traveled program is the fact everything was so hands-on. Not for a second was I bored or disengaged. Everyone was very nice even after some had to even come straight from surgery. The food was just an extra bonus.

This program taught me that the orthopedic field is extremely hard and competitive. If you want to pursue this, you need to be very motivated and ambitious towards your goal. Orthopedics has a diversity crisis as there are barely any Hispanics and Black orthopedic doctors compared to white males that dominate the field. This program opened me to the idea of looking into the medical field and even considering being a doctor in the future. It’s a difficult job with test after test, though it’s worth it in the end. Orthopedic doctors truly enjoy their job at the end of the day.
Rosairis M.
Grade 10
My favorite part of the Distance Traveled outreach program was learning about blood being in the interior of the bone.

I learned that sometimes it can take up to years for you to get to where you want to be in the future.
Massandje S.
Grade 11
For Educators

Host a Distance Traveled event at your school

We are currently scheduling our workshops with high schools in New York City. However, with additional funding and support, our goal is to expand our program to other cities. Please email us with your information and interest.
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Support our Mission

We are just getting started! Be part of a organization that breaks the barriers for those under-represented in medicine specifically in orthopedic surgery!

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